Studio 4 Art, Studio for Art, Studio4Art

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Who doesn't love an arty pARTy!?

Birthday Party, Ladies Night Out, Work Parties, Events, all are more fun with a little creativity!

This weekend begins the busiest of our busy pARTy season! The options for pARTies is a plethora of creative goodness. This weekend for example we have 5 parties. The rundown of creating is; screenprinting with 10-11 year old's, 2 acrylic painting on canvas parties for ages 5-7, sculpting clay creatures, and relief printing cards for 5-6 year old kids. A round-up of projects, and this is just some of what Studio 4 Art has to share.

With all of our parties, our attendees get instruction on how to use each art technique. After all, we are all about education and advocacy for creativity, and are mindful of age appropriate "how to". But, the true fun of Studio 4 Art...each artist chooses what they would like to draw, paint, print, and sculpt. There are no examples of what we think a project should look like. No step-by-steps so that your friends work looks like yours.

We like our artists of all ages to have the power to be empowered by their own imaginations (for those that like to have reference material, we have a library of picture books for inspiration). Each work of art ALWAYS looks unique, no two alike, as no two people are alike, and we sure like that a lot.

We love to celebrate diversity and individuality. From start to finish, each work is completely child driven and child initiated (adult parties get to enjoy this creative process too). Our instructors of course, are there to ask questions along the way, or to answer questions, but the freedom to create is the foundation Studio 4 Art was built upon.


Please visit our pARTy page for more details

Special Add On's

•Studio 4 Art t-shirts • Paper goods (you pick the color) • Dozen balloons • Art Goody bags